grub-dev: Contributing Changes

 4 Contributing changes
 Contributing changes to GRUB 2 is welcomed activity.  However we have a
 bit of control what kind of changes will be accepted to GRUB 2.
 Therefore it is important to discuss your changes on grub-devel mailing
 list (see MailingLists).  On this page there are some basic details on
 the development process and activities.
    First of all you should come up with the idea yourself what you want
 to contribute.  If you do not have that beforehand you are advised to
 study this manual and try GRUB 2 out to see what you think is missing
 from there.
    Here are additional pointers:
    * < GRUB's Task Tracker>
    * < GRUB's Bug Tracker>
    If you intended to make changes to GRUB Legacy (<=0.97) those are not
 accepted anymore.
